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Scavenger Hunts

For Schools, Home-school Families, and Youth Groups

With the need to social distance and the cancellation of school programs and the many fun family friendly summer programs we offer, we have provided these scavenger hunts, along with many other online resources. 


  • Looking Down- go for a hike and focus on the ground. 

  • Sky- see in the sky and the tree tops

  • Staying in Place- find a place to sit outdoors and see what you can see

  • Window - what can you see from your window

  • Creek - what kind of wildlife and wildlife habitat can you find at your local creek?


Gilmore Ponds Metropark Challenge

in Summer of 2020, Butler SWCD and MetroParks of Butler County hosted a virtual creeking program that ended with a scavenger challenge at Gilmore Wetlands.


Use the Gilmore MetroPark Trail Map to hike the Wetlands Trail along with your senses of sight and hearing to discover as many of the items on the Challenge PDF available below.





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