Critical Area Plantings
After a long, wet winter the scars on the landscape are difficult to ignore. Torrential rains are becoming more widespread across the...

SWCD Expands Aerial Conservation Program
Since 2019 Butler SWCD has employed the use of drones as a tool for conservation. Our first drone, a DJI Phantom 4 Pro was paid for...

Live Staking 101
Nichole Banks, Natural Resource Tech Throughout the county, streambank erosion has become a large concern for many homeowners. With...

Proper Christmas Tree Disposal
As the holiday season comes to an end you may have noticed your real Christmas tree looking a little ragged and dry. Instead of putting...

Real or Artificial Tree: Which is more Environmentally Friendly?
With the holidays right around the corner, many people are deciding whether they should go with a real Christmas tree. An artificial tree...

Mild Fall Weather Helps Cover Crops
A mild fall in Ohio with minimal rainfall and warmer temps provided favorable conditions for harvest with most farmers finishing before...

November is for Drilling not for Tilling
For the past 5 years the No Till November movement has promoted soil health practices through no till farming. Loosely based on the "No...

Stormwater Awareness Week: Take Action
There are a few actions that homeowners and others can take on their own to help reduce stormwater runoff and pollution. The first action...

Stormwater Awareness Week: Stormwater Pollutants
Stormwater runoff flows off of impervious pavements and into storm drains, collecting pollutants as it travels. Any trash, debris, or...

Storm Drain Dumping - Don't Do It
When it rains, water that does not infiltrate into the ground will flow off hard surfaces (parking lots, rooftops, etc.) as stormwater....