Septic & Storm Water Drainage
Septic tanks hold water that can carry harmful bacteria and micro-organisms, that could potentially come into contact and pollute storm...

Winterizing your rain barrel
Now that its getting cold out and your garden is going dormant, it's time to winterize your rain barrel. You don't want the water in it...

Winter wildlife and your backyard
With winter incoming, it's time to think about making your backyard wildlife comfortable. Although winter snow can look picture perfect...

Call Before You Cut
Timber may not seem a valued resource in Butler County, however there are still hundreds of acres of valuable hardwood forests on private...

Water Management Using Cover Crops
There are several ways that farmers can manage risks, whether it be crop insurance, spraying fungicide, or using other forms of pest...

Invasive Spotlight: Palmer Amaranth
Amaranthus palmeri, otherwise known as Palmer Amaranth or Palmer Pigweed is a broadleaf weed. It is an annual plant native to the arid...

Milkweed Tussock Moth
Milkweed's not just for Monarchs Do you have hordes of hairy black, orange, and white caterpillars munching on your milkweed? If so,...

Creating habitat in your creek
If you have a creek on your property, you can expect to see some great wildlife. As you know, water is necessary for life, and your creek...

Kids: Fossils of SW Ohio
Sections: What is a fossil? Why are fossils important? How old are our fossils? How did our fossils form? Why can we find fossils in SW...

Kids: Discover Creek Critters
If you look at a creek, it's much more than just a bunch of moving water. There are nooks and crannies under rocks, holes in tree root...