Cover Crop Roller Crimpers
Learn what a cover crop roller crimper does and how it can help farmers overcome barriers in regenerative agriculture.

A Forester
Guest Blogger Pat Migliozzi, State Service Forester - ODNR Forestry What is a forester? According to Merriam-Webster a forester is a...

Holiday Clean-up
Your old christmas tree isn't trash. Find out how you can re-purpose it.

Fall Tips for a Healthy Lawn and Clean Water
Fall garden care and stormwater

Fall Garden Care for Pollinators
As we begin to think about putting our gardens to bed for winter, think about the winter habits of our friends the pollinators. Although...

Turtles of Butler County
It’s that time of year when we can see turtles basking in the sun. If you have a pond, or hike at a wetland area such as Gilmore Ponds...

Invasive Spotlight: Asian Jumping Worms
Most earthworms present in glaciated portions of Ohio are considered exotic. They were introduced in the 18th & 19th centuries by early...

Native Spotlight: Eastern Redbud
Tree Facts Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) is a small tree or large deciduous shrub, native to much of the continental United States....

Native Plant: Terrific Trilliums
Spring is a great time to head out for a wildflower walk. Hopefully you will get to see Ohio’s state wildflower, the large white trillium...

Invasive Spotlight: Amur Honeysuckle
Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) is native to eastern Asia and was introduced into North America in 1896. Planted originally for...